My journey

This year is my fourth year of teaching sophomore English, and my third year teaching at Capitol Hill High School in Oklahoma City Public Schools. I studied secondary English education at Oklahoma Baptist University. I have enjoyed teaching at CHHS. Some days are more challenging than others, but each day I learn something new that will improve my instructional strategies.

I specifically chose the Educational Psychology graduate track in order to improve my skills as an educator. In my two years as an educator, I have witnessed the drastic effects learning environments can have upon student achievement. Though an obvious oversight, traditional pedagogical practices continually ask instructors to teach using the same methods. Despite my efforts to try new activities and increase community involvement, I still have students who do not reach standard measures of mastery. My concern is why students are not “getting it.” Throughout my undergraduate courses in education, I was interested in human development. Through the application of my studies during my first years as an educator, my interest in the psyche behind learning and student motivation has increased dramatically.

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